4 Reasons You Need a Will Right Now!

Written by Epic Will Team | Jul 13, 2021

When we say get one right now, we mean - STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING, and take five minutes to take care of this!

If you asked yourself right now, “Do I need a Will?” would you answer yes or no? Most Americans right now would say no because of these common misconceptions about Wills. The fact is that more than half the country doesn’t have a Will, but that’s changing and quickly! Why? Because people from ages 18 to 35 are beginning to realize that regardless of what they own or how young they are, making the important and pressing decisions now and being prepared in case something unexpected happens, is one of the most responsible things young adults can do for themselves and their loved ones.

And the fact is, it’s a lot easier to create a Will than most people think. When we think of wills we immediately think of this huge incredibly intense file that only really matters when we’re on our death bed at the age of 85 (sorry MeMaw). However, that’s not the case. Creating a Will is important now, it doesn’t have to be complicated, and we’ve made it easy enough to finish in 5 minutes. It’s easier than applying for a diverse license, or changing your last name when you get married. So why are so many people not taking advantage of their right to have a say in what happens with their life after they die? The truth? They don’t know what a Will is or the consequences of not having one.

Here are four reasons why you need to stop whatever you’re doing and get this done immediately!