Four Devastating Situations That Make People Wish They Had a Will

Written by Epic Will Team | Jul 13, 2021

At Epic Will, we believe Wills aren’t just about death. However, in some cases, it is about death and really devastating situations that can happen to anyone unexpectedly. We hate to be morbid, but this is just the reality, we need to prepare for the unexpected.

Let’s take a moment and paint you a picture.

Meet Jim. Jim is a healthy and active 36 year old with a wife and two children under 10. Driving home from work on a rainy day he suddenly loses control of his car, hits a tree, and dies on impact.

An incredibly difficult story to hear, but something that happens every day. He was 36! Young and healthy with no expectations of this happening. 

I know someone who that happened to and it was tragic. My friend was full of life, and on the way home from a bar when he got t-boned by a drunk driver and killed instantly. I still can’t believe he’s gone, but it made me think about my own family and what would have happened in this scenario if it were me. And I hope you do the same.